One of the World's Most Advanced Stem Cell Procedures for Joint and Spine Pain

Stem cells have the ability to replicate and develop into healthy new tissue. As you age or get injured, you may not have enough of these stem cells to fully repair affected areas.  Our stem cell therapy procedures help overcome this challenge. If you’re interested in stem cell injections or stem cell treatments, please get in touch.

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Stem Cell Treatments

  • How It Works

    Stem cells have the ability to replicate and develop into healthy new tissue. These cells are stored in your body and poised to leap into action to repair damage.

    Unfortunately, as you age or get injured, you may not have enough of these cells to fully repair affected areas but Regenexx stem cell treatments help overcome this challenge. During your bone marrow aspiration (BMA), your stem cells will be extracted in the on-site laboratory. Later the same day, a concentrated dose of cells will be injected precisely into the damaged area, amplifying your body’s natural healing mechanisms.

    According to the current research stem cells extracted from bone marrow tend to develop into cartilage and bone cells and therefore bone marrow is preferable source of stem cells used in orthopaedic conditions.